Office Construction Underway & Wasting Time…

It was mostly just a rather dull data-entry day. Todd wasn’t available for our meeting in the morning, which never happened later either. Oh well, so it goes. Tomorrow’s going to be an interesting day, I need to get my September billing done yet, I’m thinking I want to take off early since I had to put in extra time on Friday to do the whole server move.
I should be getting the memory I ordered sent back tomorrow. It would be nice if I got something back by the end of the week. The hard drive has been working just fine. I guess I’m not really sure I’ve seen a huge performance increase with the faster hard drive. I’m pretty sure the olde one was only a 4200 rpm drive where the new one is 5400 rpm. This still isn’t as good as a 7200 rpm but I just couldn’t see spending much more on it. I would have had to go with a smaller capacity drive and that would have defeated the purpose of doing the upgrade.
So I feel like I pretty much wasted my evening. I pretty much just messed around on making changes to my blog. I could have gotten to be way earlier but of course here I am, once again, being the night owl. I’m thinking I’m going to do all I can to force myself to get my butt out of bed in the morning. My days just always seemed to go better when I was able to get devotions in before I headed to work. I thin this is probably the reason for my poor attitude on things. I guess I’ve been kind of down on myself for not being able to keep up with the early morning routine.
Well, if I ever hope to be able to get up in the morning I have to call it a night. So I let this be a short post. The next two night will probably be pretty short as well, if even existent. If I don’t begin the web job tomorrow I’ll have to get crackin on Thursday. I only just now got content from the company so there wasn’t really anything I could do over this last weekend. Well, chow!