Thursday was an ok day at work. I really didn’t feel like I was able to keep on task as well as I would have liked. I was able to make some progress on the CLB site, integrating the forums into the homepage. I also got to talking with Todd about the whole blogging thing. He had setup himself with a Blogger.com blog. I offered to host a WordPress blog for him, then we got on the sunject of creating a CLB Blog site. Not sure how much of a demand there might be for this. I think it might be cool if Synod Staff & Pastors had blogs through the CLB. I didn’t get out of work till like 6. I decided to take the time and make some spaghetti. This took a little while, but since I didn’t have any internet, and it was better than PB&J I figured I’d go with a good meal for the night. After that I decided I wanted to check my email so I ran over to work with my iBook. I was there a little while. Besides checking my email I was messing with the wireless setup. I’d like to get the roaming setup working so that the change-over between APs would be pretty seamless. After a bit I got a call from John O, he was wondering if I’d be up for a game of Settlers or Carcassonne. Well since I really didn’t have much else to do I said sure. When I got over there John wanted to go over the the boys dorms at Hillcrest as Bruce wanted to get some guys to try John’s hot sauce. Well that was a bust as we couldn’t find Bruce anywhere. Oh, yeah Luke was there too. We got back to John’s and Caristy was home. We got the board setup. Jeanette joined us too, Caristy decided not to play. So it was the four of us. It was a good time. I ended up losing, but I wasn’t playing very nicely either. After the game we all called it a night. I didn’t sleep very good that night, the spaghetti wasn’t sitting too well.