Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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Better Together – Why We Need Community
Community is God’s answer to defeat. You need to find the people who will stand with you in tough times and say, “We’re not going to let you get discouraged. We’re not going to let you get depressed. We’re not going to let you worry. We’re going to stay here with you.” Day 2 of…
Change Me…Change Me…Please Change Me
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Quick Morning Post…
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Once Again, My Bed Calls…
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nice window. its good for scaring…i mean smiling at your coworkers as they walk by
so you haven’t blogged for 3 days, and neither has ashley, so…you should update this one day because my life is boring and I need to know of every little thing that you do. Everything.
I notice your office has a window. Is that cuz you think your fat? Cuz your not. You could have like a french door if you wanted