I just saw this on TV and just rolled with laughter. I can’t believe someone actually thinks this is going to work. Check it out, watch their little demo video.
I know it’s late but I had to share a little of what happened today. I had the privilege today to talk with my boss, Todd M., about some exciting ideas of establishing a community of faith. He has been leading a group on Sundays, which I am apart of, and Wednesdays. We’re studying “The…
So it would seem that I really lost touch with my blog. I wouldn’t be surprised if no reads the thing anymore, although I do know that some have you have bugged me about it. So what’s my excuse? Life. Yeah, I know that’s a poor excuse but I’ve been bust working away trying to…
Well, got pulled in a lot of directions at work today. Things were still pretty quite. No one else was around in my department. It sure was a Friday, things got to be rolling pretty well in the break room this morning. This is to be expected when Armin is around on a Friday. It…
Something that came up at our Life Shapes meeting this morning, was the subject of mission. This is something that I’ve been sort of struggling with, in that I’m trying to determine what my mission should be. I think this brings me back to the Purpose Driven Life. I have felt, for a long time,…
I had some excellent IM conversations tonight. Was talking with Ginny and catching up to what their family has been up to. Sounds like Jim is getting steady business. He’s been doing a lot of work for Wells Fargo. And the home schooling has been going good too. We ended up talking about relationship stuff….
Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone. – Colossians 4:5-6 NLT As believers we are called to speak with grace and love to those that are non-believers. We cannot hold a non-believer…
haha poop is funny…what???