Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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Apple | Daily Thoughts | Hardware | iBook
My life is in the machine…
Well, I’m dead tired and I’m sitting here with a dead machine. I’m feeling the curse of the dry winter air. I walked up to my laptop at work today and zap. I thought that I got by lucky as I was able to start it up and work on it awhile, can’t remember how…
Apple | Blogging | Daily Thoughts | Hardware | PowerBook
It’s Late…But a Couple of Updates.
This is going to have to be short, I need to get ready for bed. Life’s been pretty great, but busy too. Vanessa and I have been busy planning wedding details and starting to get things ready at her place for me to move in. It’s tax season and I got my taxes all done…
Apple | Daily Thoughts | Friends | Projects | Traveling
Long Day, Long Ride…
Well, got pulled in a lot of directions at work today. Things were still pretty quite. No one else was around in my department. It sure was a Friday, things got to be rolling pretty well in the break room this morning. This is to be expected when Armin is around on a Friday. It…
Computer Upgrades on Order…
Well today I bit the bullet and ordered some upgrades for my laptop. I’m getting a 1GB stick of RAM & a 100GB hard drive. Home Missions is going to buy the 512MB stick of memory that is currently in my laptop. I figured that I best do this now while I have the money,…
The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly…
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Apple | Daily Thoughts | God @ Work | Hardware | Life Shapes | Relationships | Romantic | Worship Team | Youth Work
The Time Has Come…
Well, for those that have long awaited a post to thie fabulous blog, here we go. This will probably be a short one. So much has been going on since my last post, actually a lot happened through December that I didn’t even get time to write about. I’m really looking forward to life settling…
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yessssssssss… *hand motion*
ITS SEXY…wait what?
i’ve been censored.