So today is the 2nd day since completing the marathon, and unfortunately I find myself in more of a discouraged state than in celebration of my accomplishment. There are many things going through my head, many thoughts that cause me to be more disappointed with marathon Sunday. Nothing played out like I had hoped. I…
On Saturday I had the pleasure to take my very special girl, Vanessa, out for a dinner cruise on Lake Michigan. We enjoyed a beautiful sunset, dinner, and a little dancing. I enjoyed every moment celebrating the day with Vanessa. I don’t know if I can really express how much I care for her. I…
Ok, long story short I’m in a little hot water as I’m behind in the website job. Technically the contract they signed covers my butt, however it’s looking like I don’t have enough time for these types of side jobs. The day was pretty good, but too many things to do, this partly due to…
Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone. – Colossians 4:5-6 NLT As believers we are called to speak with grace and love to those that are non-believers. We cannot hold a non-believer…
Well, I have to say it was nice to be getting back into the swing of playing Settlers of Catan. There was only four of us tonight, verses the regular 5, but it was a good close game all around. Right off the bat I noticed I made a rather major error in the placement…
Very nice 🙂
lets see vanessa and anders duke it out to see who is right? 5 bucks on vanessa.
we should make this a comment farm.
oh look, another comment? so silly. giggles. sniggles. gurgles.
blogalogalogalogalog… BLOG!!
Wow! What happened to my avatar?
Is it ’cause my e-mail is different?
hugs and kisses from argentina!!!
tim im about to beat your language fillter me thinks
crowzer: 1 Language filter: 0