Quick For Now…Best Birthday Ever!

So, before I hit the sack. I just have to thank the most amazing women in the world [Vanessa ;-)] for the most amazing birthday ever. OK, so some of you are thinking “it’s not your birthday yet” well, we celebrated early because we’ve got our dance class on Tuesday. Today was an awesome day! Vanessa gave me a season of Seinfeld on DVD and a disc golf bag. She took me out for dinner at a great place called Rose’s on Reeds Lake, and we had some wood-fired pizza, it was excellent. After dinner we headed over to a theatre to see an improv group (River City Improv). We had a load of laughs. Well, I’ll have to get into more later. I don’t think I can thank Vanessa enough for the day.

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  1. You do know I thought of all those ideas. And paid for all the stuff. So…i’m amazing

    happy birthday

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