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When Life Get’s Busy, When Life Get’s Complicated

BusyWell, it’s almost the end of the month, but getting a post in now will still technically meet my hope of once a month right. I don’t have a lot of time…ha that seems to fit in nicely with the title huh…anyways, as it goes things seem more complicated these days as well.

I find that it is so easy to fill up life with so many things, and really I’m not even talking about time wasters either. This past week Vanessa and I celebrated out 4th anniversary, though it seems crazy that it has even been that long, time flies. What stinks though is that over the past few days I feel like I’ve hardly seen my wife. It really isn’t as bad as it feels like, I actually took Friday off of work and spent the whole day as a family and then had a date night with Vanessa. However then rolled in the weekend and all of it’s business. It feels almost impossible to keep everything in balance. Some days I want to just take my girls and escape it all. That’s just not realistic of course.

The complicated part is not so complicated really, only as complicated as I make it mostly. I love being a Dad but seeing my little girl grow so fast and change everyday I feel like time is getting away from me. I’m thankful for days, or nights, when I get to take care of Marissa by myself, but then at the same time I feel a bit overwhelmed without Vanessa.

I think these days what makes life a little hard for me is that I’m feeling like I don’t have clear direction for my life. This is something that I struggle with even more whenthings get so busy. I feel like I don’t even have time to stop and listen, to stop and just seek out God’s direction for my life. He has blessed me in so many ways and I don’t want to take that for granted. Well, that’s it for now, taking it one day at a time.

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