So I’ve discovered that I’m totally addicted to tweaking my blog. I just can’t stop! LOL 😛 I think it’s the perfectionist in me. Can’t I be content with the way it is…of course not. Technology changes daily, and so must my blog! LOL 😛 Well, I must get back to work.
In short, life, more specific, work. So as it grinds on even later in the evening I just felt I needed to get back to this things called blogging. So obviously the daily anecdotes of my life haven’t made their way to this space in cyber-space much. When life get’s crazy you have to take…
Thursday was an ok day at work. I really didn’t feel like I was able to keep on task as well as I would have liked. I was able to make some progress on the CLB site, integrating the forums into the homepage. I also got to talking with Todd about the whole blogging thing….
I just realized how funny that title could be read. LOL. Anyways, I just realized I haven’t posted since like Friday, WOW! Ok, so I should have a lot to write about right, well not so much. Also this going to bed early thing has really been cutting into my blogging time. That and the…
In an effort to make blogging an easy alternative I’ve given the WordPress app a prominent place on my phone dock. Looking forward to a new year of sharing!