So yeah, I pretty much wasted the weekend away again. Not totally, but I could have done a lot more than I did. I guess I sort of get tired of doing stuff, like work, all the time and want some time to just kick back and relax. I’m feeling like I’m kind of spinning…
As a developer and, in some areas, a perfectionist I’m always after better #development practices when working collaboratively. An I personally find value in the #commit history. As a #git user I appreciate detailed case from @ecampidoglio on the proper way to keep a clean commit history. The Case for Pull Rebase
Well, today work was pretty normal. Nothing too special. We had the youth group kickoff and things seemed to go pretty well. I got over to the church about 5:15 or so to get the sound system & projection equipment all setup. I worked on fine tuning OpenSong a little during break at work and…
So I didn’t get a post in on Monday, and I really need to be getting to bed now. LOL, just as I explained to Crowser, I get to a point at night and then I’m wide awake. If I would have went to bed at like 9 or 10 when I was tired I’d…