OK, so as I’m preparing this week for my big move to MI I’m thinking what I could share with you all about some reasons why I’m excited about this move. So here we go, let’s see if I can come up with 10. 1. More time I can spend with the most amzing woman…
Well, the goal here is to keep it short so I can get to bed. So today was a pretty good day. I really feel like I got some things done at work. I’ve been getting some very encouraging words from many, I thank you all again. As I’ve thought even more about this topic…
I had some excellent IM conversations tonight. Was talking with Ginny and catching up to what their family has been up to. Sounds like Jim is getting steady business. He’s been doing a lot of work for Wells Fargo. And the home schooling has been going good too. We ended up talking about relationship stuff….
These past few days have been pretty amazing. Let’s just say for starters, that God has really been teaching me a lot these days. This is something I very much need to think about and reflect on daily. Kind of all goes back to the learning circle. How important it is to reflect, plan, and…
There are new photos up in the photo gallery from my weekend in MI with Vanessa. Let it be known that Vanessa is the most wonderful woman I know. And I thank God everyday for her being apart of my life. Well, I have to head off to praise team practice. I’ll try to post…