Enjoying our last night without the kids and celebrating our anniversary by taking in a River City Improv show. Always enjoy having a good time laughing with some good clean fun.
It’s been forever since I actually posted something on my blog. I’m not even sure why I’ve kept it around for so long. I guess perhaps I thought I would return again to blogging someday. What with things like Facebook there almost isn’t a reason to have your own blog anymore. One probably good thing…
As Christian husband’s I think we easily fail to remember the greatest calling we have in our marriage. We can’t out-love God. Christ loved us so much that he died for us, and that’s the sort of love we are called to have for our wives. For husbands, this means love your wives, just as…
Put more wood into the fire by accompanying your partner to his/her favourite place. – Day 1, Refresh Your Marriage In 31 Days I can definitely see that the busyness of life makes it more challenging to keep the “wood fires burning” of marriage. Marriage takes work and especially intentional action to keep plain selfishness at…
This is not about having a competition with your wife on serving, it’s about taking a hard look at yourself as a husband and asking yourself what kind of leader are you. We live in a world where leadership, and men, are expected to be authoritative and followed because of their authority. Jesus’ picture of…
In an effort to trying posting on a regular basis, here goes #2 for the year. 🙂 Recently over the course of a few weeks I applied for a job, got 2 intrviews and was offered a job. The job, in-and-of itself, I would have loved, however it would have come at a great financial…