Who’s Your Best Friend?

When you simply hang out together … when you carve out time for your most important relationship… when you make a point of sharing the little day-to-day moments… the results of that in your marriage are profound. – Biblical Secrets to a Happy Marriage
This morning during my devotions time I was challenged with how I think about my wife. I’d heard other couples talking about their spouse being their best friend but I’d never really given it much thought myself and sort thought friends were in a different group than my wife. My best friend was a guy that I have served with in ministry for years and was the best man in my wedding. However if there is anyone in my life that should be classified as the “best” shouldn’t that hands down be my wife. She’s the one day in and day out sees me at my best and worst and yet still loves me a chooses to do this life with me. I’ve got some great friends but no one can compare to my life partner, my wife. If your first thought when you hear “best friend” is not your spouse then I think you have some work to do.