WordCamp GR 2017 – Plugins: The WP Box of Chocolates – Stacy Vanden Heuvel

Stacy Vanden Heuvel – http://www.mtnwebs.net/ (blog)
- What are they?
- Premanufactured code that adds function and features.
- 51,000+ plugins available today.
- Dropped into a site.
- There is a plugin or everything.
- Why does anyone care?
- Makes website building easier.
- How do you choose?
- How many active installs?
- Does it have reputable developers?
- When was it last updated?
- What are the ratings? – need to take these with a grain of salt
- Is it compatible with the current release?
- Does it fit with exactly what you need it to do?
- Plugin Examples
- WP-Polls
- Auto Terms of Service and Privacy Policy – doesn’t support translations
- WPFront Scroll – scroll-to-top button
- Hummingbird – page speed optimization, gives you an optimization report
- WP Smush – image optimization, optimizes as you upload, can optimize past images in batches of 50
- WP Live Chat Support – free
- The Events Calendar – ticket sales, Facebook Event integration
- Shortcodes Ultimate –
- WP Job Manager – by Automattic
- GTranslate – translation plugin, supports 103 languages, Google Analytics integration
- Resources
- ChrisLema.com
- WPbeginner.com
- WP101.com
- WPsessions.com
- SmashingMagazine.com
- Book: 665 WordPress Plugins