Love playing games with my kids. We want to start doing a family game night once a week. Jacob enjoyed beating me at marbles. Then we had fun playing Rush Hour, and Jacob wanted to keep playing instead of having snack.
There are so many children in Sierra Leone that can be impacted by access to clean water. The impact it makes in their lives can be the difference between having an education or not, just trying to survive the day or thriving. Bringing clean water to those in need transforms communities. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRMarathon…
It wasn’t pretty, but I got my run in and finished. I’m about $900 short on my fundraiser right now so any support would be huge. Join with me to bring clean water to Africa. #HWI #KCC #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRHalfMarathon #RiverBankRun
When we set out on a run we never know how it’s going to go. We’re going to have good days and we’re going to have bad days. Regardless of how things go we have a God by our side that can get us through those tough hills, unexpected pains, or the feelings of giving…
Even though it was still humid the temperature was for sure cooler this morning when I stepped out the door. I got some good sprints in. I spent some time thinking about the village of #Ronkorhun , and the people I met there, praying that God would revitalize the people and draw them to Him….
This morning was one of those slow to get out of bed mornings. Once I got out and started breathing in some fresh crisp morning air I was awake and ready to roll. Especially after hitting play on the workout worship music. The first half of my run was time to just enjoy the worship…