Had some nice early morning weather for my 17 miles. I was so grateful to have the #HWI water stations out by the time I got through about half of my run. It was nice to not have to figure out how to drop water somewhere. It was a tougher run going it alone. I…
Ok, so today was a pretty excellent day. It’s amazing that God can be so good to us despite our downfalls. Well, this morning I found out something pretty crazy. One of my matches on eHarmony just happens to be someone that I at least know of. I can’t recall actually meeting her at anytime….
Got my own little 10k+ Turkey Trot in this morning. Staying on course as I train for the #GroundhogDayMarathon in February. Looking to represent the #HWI team at that event. After having my water freezing on me this morning I can already tell this is going to be an interesting training season. Oh, it looks…