Well, today has been an interesting one. It started with the guys not showing up at Perkins this morning. Oh well, I understand it’s early for them. We’ll work something out on Wednesday. My day at work was pretty good. I got a lot done. I had a good chat with Ginny over IM during…
Because of the privilege and authority God has given me, I give each of you this warning: Don’t think you are better than you really are. Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves, measuring yourselves by the faith God has given us. – Romans 12:3 NLT Too often we get caught up in ourselves and we…
So I’ve updated my About page. Compliments of eHarmony, yeah, bring on the jokes. The profile it creates is pretty amazingly accurate. Oh, BTW, unless there is some compelling reason to become a member I won’t be going much farther with this. I don’t have $50 a month to spend trying to get a date,…
I was listening to a Podcast yesterday on my way to my parents(surprise..lol), and one comment that was made on there was how the online blog community hasn’t been as active, concerning the Katrina victims, as they were after the tsunami hit South Asia. I was working on my blog, man I’ve been working a…
So it’s been a few days since my last post. When things get busy I find it hard to get them in. Things have been kind of crazy. I just noticed too that my last real blog post was Tuesday. Wednesdays always get busy and late, actually I ended up going over to John &…