Finished day 4 and still feeling good. Even did better on my pace and got a little bit of extra distance in. Been amazed with what God’s been doing. It’s been a pretty awesome week. #hwi #sierraleone #cleanwater Hudsonville, Michigan, United States of America
Ok, I just realized why someone told me they couldn’t find my blogroll. Internet Explorer doesn’t like my blog. So now I have more work to do on my blog to fix the IE bugs. Yeah, everyone thinks Microsoft products help you get more work done, blah, only if your loaded so you can buy…
I’m not sure what to make of yet another hard interval run. It is training so to a degree it should be hard. I guess I’m hopeful that in the end I will be better trained for the #GRGus Groundhog Day Marathon come February. I think I consider it a failure when I can’t hit…
For many in Africa the journey to gather water is a treacherous one. They may not even end up gathering clean water. The goal of #HWI is to provide sustainable and accessable clean water. #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRGus Join us in bringing clean water to Africa: It was a wet and rainy run this morning,…