Final Day in Sierra Leone And Heading Home

After showering and breakfast we headed to a market in Freetown.
As we we’re on our way we we’re briefly stopped by a small parade or sorts, complete with a marching band.
Our driver’s took us to a market that was in a building that had 2 floors packed with vendors. We all did a bit of haggling and purchased some items to bring home to friends and family. We headed back to the hotel after the market to pack up and head to lunch.
We had one more meal at the Basha Bakery and ran into some Makeni World Hope staff that were in town, Freetown, for a meeting. There was also a college group from Houghton College that showed up. I had been to Houghton a couple of times for NTS Camp.
We wrapped up lunch, said our goodbyes to the World Hope staff and headed to the sea taxi. We took a boat from where we were staying to the airport. We actually took a boat, then a bus, then got to the airport.
We all got checked in, through immigration and security and we’re on our way. We ended up having a short stop in Conakry, Guinea. After which we were back in the skies to Paris and we’re served supper. We had the choice of barracuda steak (fish) or chicken so of course I chose the fish.
We arrived safely in Paris and got coffee, used the restroom, and of course some decided to take a rest. It’s hard to get much rest on the airplanes. I did sleep some but you start getting sore of you stay in one position too long.