Running Is My One On One Time

It’s still a little bit to get used to doing these longer “midweek” runs on a Monday instead of a Tuesday, but I think I’m getting into a groove with it. It’s nice to have a long “easy” run on a Monday where is can spend a lot of time listening to worship music, listening for God’s direction, and presenting the needs of friends and family to Him. I can honestly say that getting our for a morning run has not only been good for my physical health but it’s had a huge impact on my spiritual health as well. I do enjoy group runs but there is something to be said for having time where it’s just you, the pavement, and God.
I spent some time this morning thinking about and praying specifically for the village of Ronkorhun, Sierra Leone, the village that I visited that was in so desperate need of water. I need to contact the pastor that traveled with us to find out how they are coming along. I’m trusting that God has the plan in motion for the people of Ronkorhun. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun
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