Preflight Long Run

Since our family was flying to Minnesota very early the next morning I decided to get my long run in the night before. It started out very strange because as I ran I felt like I was slowly trudging along but when my audio coach gave me updates it was saying I was doing a pace under 9 min/mi which just didn’t seem possible. Then for the first half of the run I was just cruising. The second half of the run was a very different story. I’m not sure why I just hit the wall but it happened. I eventually decided to cut the run short at a half marathon distance. Giving how slow my pace was the last few miles I expected a terrible finishing average pace. Seeing what I ended with I can’t complain too much. I can definitely say the less then stellar nutrition of the week is probably what sabotaged my run. We’ll see what a week of running in Minnesota brings. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRGus