Just A Short Test Run

Today, was a fitness level test run, 5 minute warm-up/cool down and 12 minutes of high intensity running. The intensity of these runs make it hard to think about much, though I still enjoyed the worship workout music. There are 2 albums that I typically rotate between.
- https://play.google.com/music/m/Byaqvq4noj2wsy5bnnjrd7gxlxy?t=50_Christian_Running_Cardio_Workout_-_CWH
- https://play.google.com/music/m/Bu5tpzv5jynip3tjpxndsh7t56m?t=Christian_Workout_50_Best_Music_Hits_Running_Cardio_-_Christian_Workout_Hits_Group
These are my go-to music selection for running. I enjoy having some worship time during my runs to help me start off with God. #RiverBankRun