Nice to Have Some Cooler Running Weather Again to Kick Off The Week

Any morning I get up and get some miles in is a success, today was especially one of those. It was a rough night with not very good sleep, and I was tempted to just go back to bed to get some more rest. After last week’s hard training runs, including skipping my Monday run, I didn’t want to see a repeat. It was slow to get out the door but I did, and to my surprise it was cooler than is had been. Needless to say, I not only got my run in, I also got my best time for a 4 mile run in awhile.
Running can’t be just about hitting PRs, or running your fastest race. We all get older, and in time, we aren’t going to be getting any faster, we’ll only be getting slower. At some point we might be able to maintain a specific speed for awhile, but eventually our bodies will have had enough. When running becomes more about making a difference in the world, and impacting others, it doesn’t matter how far or fast you run but the message of hope that you share with others. #HWI #KCC #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRHalfMarathon #RiverBankRun
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65 °F Overcast Clouds