2nd Run of the New Year, First Speed Workout

Keeping it short, it was a hard run trying to get back into the training and trying to do a speed run workout. #HWI #Run4Water #GroundhogMarathon #Garmin #Running
Keeping it short, it was a hard run trying to get back into the training and trying to do a speed run workout. #HWI #Run4Water #GroundhogMarathon #Garmin #Running
Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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@opendna @jeremy I’m seeing though that I still need to fix the image that is being pulled with the link previews as it’s not using the featured image properly.
@tim @opendna That post loads fine for me, but the one from 2 days ago still has the bad cached version:staging.timnolte.com/2023/01/02/supporting-openlitespeed-on-arm64-with-docker/
@jeremy @opendna yeah I’m pretty sure it’s just a caching issue. I updated a couple of times just now and that post is loading fine now on the web. I have to do some digging into my #OpenLiteSpeed cache settings to figure out if there is a way to have it cache and serve different versions based on the content type request. #ActivityPub has a different content type request, and thus response, than normal web browsing of course.