Back to Blogging

Back to Blogging

So I follow a lot of WordPress folks, given that I manage multiple WordPress sites and have been apart of multiple WordPress development efforts. Aaron Jorbin recently blogged about a few simple ways to blog more. Here’s my first pre-2017 blog post, taking Aaron’s advice. Peru, Illinois, United States of America
Out With The Dust

Considering Shaking Off The Dust

So I had a great time at WordCamp Grand Rapids this past weekend. As a result I’m deeply considering dusting of my websites, and blog, and attempting to be more active. Life is crazy busy but I know that writing down my thoughts had always been good for me in the past. Consider this post…

Long Time Gone…

Well, it seems that once I get out of sync with something it can be like pulling teeth to get back into it. It pretty much began when I moved out here to Michigan that my online presence started to fade a little. Since I’ve gotten married it’s been even less. I think what has…

Quick…New Calendar

Thx Google for all the neat tools they keep pumping out. I’m now using Google Calendar slightly integrated into my blog. Should work ok. I’m feeling the itch to get back into blogging and podcasting…we’ll see what the schedule brings. I’m also thinking it might be time for a WordPress upgrade and site redesign/makeover. I…