Giving Up Control

Giving Up Control

“Don’t run ahead of God in your own strength, but rather trust Him to show you the solution.” I think this is one area that, as Christ followers, we all struggle with at times. I know that daily I need to give up control and let God lead. Then the LORD said to Joshua, “See,…
Being A Developer For Life…Can I Keep It Up?
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Being A Developer For Life…Can I Keep It Up?

photo credit: LeeroyBy now you’ve probably seen the viral clip of a father getting interrupted by his children while giving a live interview on BBC. Working parents everywhere, especially remote workers, could identify with the humorous embarrassment of the situation. Even those who have had pets interrupt Skype calls know the feeling. You want to… via…
Thankful During The Storms

Thankful During The Storms

It’s easy to be thankful when things are going good, even though I think we forget to be. It’s an even greater challenge to be thankful in the storms of life. If we would only take time to be be thankful, and to show appreciation for others, lifr would look very different I suspect. Be…
God’s Design is For Unity Not Division

God’s Design is For Unity Not Division

What a different world we would be living in if we all followed this truth. I appeal to you, dear brothers and sisters, by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, to live in harmony with each other. Let there be no divisions in the church. Rather, be of one mind, united in thought and…
Putting Wood On The Fire
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Putting Wood On The Fire

Put more wood into the fire by accompanying your partner to his/her favourite place. – Day 1, Refresh Your Marriage In 31 Days I can definitely see that the busyness of life makes it more challenging to keep the “wood fires burning” of marriage. Marriage takes work and especially intentional action to keep plain selfishness at…
Holy Spirit Lead Me

Holy Spirit Lead Me

I need to be reminded to let the Holy Spirit lead me each day. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to his cross and crucified them there. Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our…