Where Have All The Posts Gone?

So it would seem that I really lost touch with my blog. I wouldn’t be surprised if no reads the thing anymore, although I do know that some have you have bugged me about it. So what’s my excuse? Life. Yeah, I know that’s a poor excuse but I’ve been bust working away trying to…

Christ’s Call of Discipleship

(John 15:1-17) Whether we choose to accept it or not, as Christians we are all called to be disciples. We are not only to believe in Him, but follow Him also. At times it would seem that we can take the easy route as a Christian. It’s hard for me to imagine making the decision…

Seeing God…

(John 14:1-14) When Christ was here on Earth in and among the Disciples, man was able to see God first hand. Even then the Disciples didn’t quite get it, not really realizing that they had God among them. Today it might seem that we don’t have the benefit of seeing God as the Disciples did,…

God’s Timing…Not Ours

(Exodus 11:1-10) Looking again at the story of Moses being used by God to bring the Isrealites out of Egypt, we can see that things didn’t go as the people, or Moses, had hoped. God, however, had a perfect plan in mind. I’ve talked about it before, but once again I am reminded, that in…

Hardships…Who’s to Blame?

(Exodus 5:1-23) Initially it would seem that Moses and Aaron weren’t helping matters each time they talked to Pharaoh. The Isrealites even blamed them for making things harder for them. How did Moses and Aaron take that? Well we know that at least Moses in turn decided to blame God for what was happening to…