
To Blog or Not To Blog, Why Not

As I was looking over the days RSS feeds I came across a news story on Digg by a mother. I just had to think again about this whole business of blogging. Even this past weekend as I looked through the classified ads that Vanessa had saved for me there was an article that talked…
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So What’s My Problem?

In short, life, more specific, work. So as it grinds on even later in the evening I just felt I needed to get back to this things called blogging. So obviously the daily anecdotes of my life haven’t made their way to this space in cyber-space much. When life get’s crazy you have to take…
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Trying to Keep Up…

OK, well I’m going to try to stay on top of at least something of a daily post. I think what is more realistic is a few weekly posts. I’d rather not even go into how my day went. It was one of those frustrating days when at every turn you wonder if it could…

Start Out Another Week…

Well, as it would happen I’m actually getting another post in. My hope was to get back to posting daily. In a sense I sort of have been posting daily, it just happens that it hasn’t been on here. I’ve been posting daily devotional thoughts over at the Faith Shaping website. I do want to…