Where’s My 48 Hour Day?

The semi-circle, working from rest, following your purpose, and bringing calm to life. It seems nearly impossible to not get caught up in the crazy & busy world we live in. Even in ministry there seems to more things to do, or that could be done, then there is time. None of these things are…

Just A Short One

Well, here I am in the wee hours of the night. So the pleasant act of IMing and playing music caught me up tonight. I pretty much got my taxes done, and it looks like a good tax return. Too bad I have debt, I go out any buy one of them fancy 5G iPods,…
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Hoping to Get Back in The Groove…

Something that came up at our Life Shapes meeting this morning, was the subject of mission. This is something that I’ve been sort of struggling with, in that I’m trying to determine what my mission should be. I think this brings me back to the Purpose Driven Life. I have felt, for a long time,…