
Something to Ponder…

Devotions this morning says, as Christians, we should not be thinking “I can’t”, at least in following God’s direction. This is so very true, Jesus pointed out what little faith we have, and how little faith it takes to even move a mountain. I think of the times I have thought, “I just can’t do…

Forgive Me…

I wrote this some time ago. I can’t find my recording of it so looks like I may be re-recording it. Forgive Me Words & Music by Timothy J Nolte V1: Oh Lord, I had walked with You. You guided me, You led my feet. I let go of Your guiding hand, And slowly drifted…

Ugh…It’s 4:11 am…What’s That Smell

So this morning was A LOT early than I was planning on getting up. Darn dog decided to take a dump in my room. I think I’m going to have to borrow the carpet shampooer from my parents this weekend. Had to clean that all up, I still think I’m smelling that dog poo stench,…