
Computer Upgrades on Order…

Well today I bit the bullet and ordered some upgrades for my laptop. I’m getting a 1GB stick of RAM & a 100GB hard drive. Home Missions is going to buy the 512MB stick of memory that is currently in my laptop. I figured that I best do this now while I have the money,…

The Goodness of Things…

So despite the disappointments that come my way. Life is good. At times I wish for things I think would make life better: more friends my age, my dream job, more money, a significant other. Today God has reminded me of all the blessings he has given me: my job, the friends I do have,…

The Things of Life…

So it’s been an ok day. Even though I didn’t have the time to post about my morning devotions I did ge them in before I headed off to work. Here’s hoping I can post tomorrow morning. The battle rages on against the night. So I had a meeting with On Deman Graphics in Fergus…

Camping Trip…Sa-weat!

What a weekend! I have to say that this weekend was the most fun and restful trip I’ve had in a long time. From the car-ride on Friday, to the trip back, the weekend was filled with amazing fellowship and much needed rest. On Friday Laura got to my house after work and we headed…

Switchfoot Fights DRM!

In a story the came out earlier this week. One of the band members of Switchfoot was expressing his anger about the DRM the was put on their latest album. The DRM encoded albums were preventing people from ripping the CDs for use on portable medai players. He was posting instructions on how to circumvent…
Night Owls Unite…

Night Owls Unite…

So yeah, I think I’ll forever be a night owl. Seems like no matter what I can get myself to bed early at all. Of course this makes it almost impossible to get up early in the morning. You’ll notice I didn’t get me devotions in this morning, er rather yesterday seeing as it’s already…