Time To Get Serious: A Tough Subject

Nahum 1:2-6, a God of wrath. The fact that God cannot stand sin, and actually dishes out His wrath because of it, brings a clearer picture of our need for the forgiveness we have through Christ. I think too often we only talk about the love of God, and we don’t see His love in…

Time To Get Serious: God Is So Good

Psalm 25:8, Psalm 34:8, continuing on in getting to know who Gos is, we have to understand that God is good. It always makes me a little frustrated when I hear the classic argument, “If God does exist, why is there so many bad things in the world?”. I almost what to laugh in disgust….

Time To Get Serious: Better Than Gold

Psalm 19:7-14, we need God’s Word. This passage in the Psalms is telling us what the Word of God can do for us: 1.) it’s comprehensive; and can change your whole person, 2.) it teaches you how to live; and gives wisdom, 3.) shows you the true path; you can’t see life as it really…

Time To Get Serious: Our God is “Heavy”

Matthew 17:1-8, Jesus and the mount of transfiguration. When Jesus took a few of the Disciples up to the mountain top, I see two things that happened. One, is that He revealed His glory as God. It has me thinking about all the ways that God reveals Himself to us, whether through His Word, through…

Time To Get Serious: God’s Got The Power

Job 38:1-7, God is omnipotent, I think God does a lot of laughing as He watches us struggle with things that He can take care of with a simple thought. It can be so easy for us to forget about God in even the small details. When we begin to think that “we can do…

Time To Get Serious: He’s Everywhere

Isaiah 43:1-7, God is omnipresent, today’s reading is talking about how God is everywhere and cannot be contained. However, it talks about two different kinds of being present. One is His essence and being everywhere in His fullness, the other is His presence in His relationship to us. When Jesus was on the cross, God…