Devotions For Sacred Parenting – Day 3: A Lasting Mark
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Devotions For Sacred Parenting – Day 3: A Lasting Mark

“When our kids see how we deal with failure, disappointment, frustration, and our own limitations, they are learning.” – Devotions for Sacred Parenting by Gary L. Thomas #TeachingByExample “The parent must present to the child the beauty of virtue, the nobility and happiness of self-denial, the pleasure that duty brings, and the fear and the…
Family Day At The Air Zoo
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Family Day At The Air Zoo

We had a fun day as a family at the Air Zoo. We’d never been there but this month there was a reciprocity deal with the Grand Rapids Public Museum. I love the reciprocity deals you get with memberships. Nice to try some new things. #FamilyOuting #GRPM #AirZoo
A Window Into Our Family’s World
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A Window Into Our Family’s World

Despite her disability she is smart, creative, and even has a sense of humor that our family is blessed to enjoy. #Autism #ASD This mother’s post is almost spot on what our family experiences on a regular basis. My wife shared it recently. What It’s Like Parenting A Child With An Invisible Disability
Cool Morning Interval Run Focusing On My Family
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Cool Morning Interval Run Focusing On My Family

Decided to “follow” the #Endomondo training plan today to get a longer interval run in. So far I’ve been doing some mix of the #HWI training plan and the Endomondo one. We’ll see how well that works out for me. It was a very cool morning for a run, I was pretty surprised when I…