Being Prepared For Parenting
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Being Prepared For Parenting

As much as I’d like to think that I was ready to parent the fact is that I owe a lot to my wife. If it wasn’t for my wife’s knowledge and experience my kids wouldn’t have had the experiences they have had so far. I’m still learning everyday day how to be a better…
Fun Day With The Kids And Family
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Fun Day With The Kids And Family

We had a fun day with the kids starting off with a birdhouse building project at Home Depot. The kids didn’t want to go but in the end they had a lot of fun. On our way home from birdhouse building we stopped to checkout the animals at PetSmart. The kida of course wanted to…
Fun Day At The Children’s Museum
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Fun Day At The Children’s Museum

A perk this March of being a member at the Grand Rapids Public Museum was being able to go to the Grand Rapids Children’s Museum for free. Haven’t taken the kids there in a long while. They had a blast and of course didn’t want to leave.
Game Time, Wahoo Marbles
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Game Time, Wahoo Marbles

Love playing games with my kids. We want to start doing a family game night once a week. Jacob enjoyed beating me at marbles. Then we had fun playing Rush Hour, and Jacob wanted to keep playing instead of having snack.