Outdoor Discovery Center Class Trip With Marissa

Outdoor Discovery Center Class Trip With Marissa

I had a great day hanging out with my daughter on her class trip to the Outdoor Discovery Center in Holland. This is the first class trip, and first activity I’ve done with my daughter since she’s started school. I’m so thankful that I took the PTO to make it happen. I’ve only done 1…
Kid on Phone

Should I Give My Kid a Smartphone?

I pretty much agree with everything Craig has posted about. I’ve been on the Internet since High School, and I’m a web developer by trade, so I know all about the dangers. I’m not promoting being the over-protective parent that tries to shelter my kids and set them up for failure. It’s about let your…
A Timely Study I Needed This Week
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A Timely Study I Needed This Week

This was an interesting week to say the least. Did it go like I had planned, or hoped, maybe not? This week did teach me some clear areas I need to work on as a parent, and an even greater appreciation for how amazing my wife is. This study was both timely and needed as…
Teaching & Leading My Kids
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Teaching & Leading My Kids

For me this is constantly something that is on my mind. I’m always asking myself how my actions are modeling for my kids how God is leading me. I don’t always do a good job I that. Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it. – Proverbs 22:6…
Already Missing My Wife
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Already Missing My Wife

Glad I got the lawn mowed this afternoon before the rain rolled in. Going to try and keep on top of everything while Vanessa is gone to Africa this week. As we were praying before supper tonight reality hit me that she is gone. I’ll be honest, I almost lost it as we were praying…