Clean Water Takes A Village

Clean Water Takes A Village

Bringing clean water to Africa takes a team, #HWI runners and supporters raising money for a well, the World Hope team to plan and drill a well, and a community in need that will be committed to care for the new water source. #Run4Water #WhyIRun #RiverBankRun Join us to bring clean water to Africa:
5.7 Mile Monday Recovery Run

5.7 Mile Monday Recovery Run

Right now Sierra Leone, Africa is enduring the final months of it’s dry season. This is one of the hardest times for those that rely on the water sources left behind by the raining season, which by now have dried up. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #RiverBankRun

An Early Morning 8.5 Before A Family Day

An Early Morning 8.5 Before A Family Day

Finally getting this posted. It was a busy, but fun, family day. I needed to get my run done early but I still finished with some daylight. I am committed to my training but I’m always trying my best to not let it negatively impact my family. I’ll sacrifice a late night, or some sleep,…
Another Nice 8.5 Mile Run

Another Nice 8.5 Mile Run

It was nice easy run this morning. The weather was a nice cool 40 degrees, and not much of any wind. I don’t know that I’ll have the chance to return to Sierra Leone, but I am honored that I was able to go and get to know some amazing people there. I think about…