What Difference Does A Drilled Well Make?

What Difference Does A Drilled Well Make?

Something that may not really be understood when people hear that #HWI helps to put in wells in Africa. The wells that Hope Water International partners with #WorldHope are drilled wells. These wells go down deep to clean water, and they overcome the challenges of the dry season. During the dry season the hand dug…
Clean Water Brings Safety To A Community

Clean Water Brings Safety To A Community

Imagine this picture take during the rainy season with a rushing creak under this bridge. That is just one of the many dangers that children, on the trek to water, face each day. When water isn’t easily accessible to a community most often children are tasked with making the journey each day to gather a…
Bringing Renewed Life And Joy Through Clean Water

Bringing Renewed Life And Joy Through Clean Water

Every day the #HWI team gets out to train for the #GRMarathon is a show of our commitment to the cause of clean water in Africa. I have seen first hand the changes that reliable clean water bring to a village in #SierraLeone through the smiling faces, and brightness in the eyes, of children. #Run4Water…
Enabling A Community With Clean Water

Enabling A Community With Clean Water

When clean water is brought to a community it’s not done suddenly and randomly then moving on to another random village. World Hope(#WHI) works with a carefully chosen village to establish ownership of the well by that village. The village agrees to manage and care for the well in order to serve their community for…