WordCamp GR 2017 – Plugins: The WP Box of Chocolates – Stacy Vanden Heuvel

WordCamp GR 2017 – Plugins: The WP Box of Chocolates – Stacy Vanden Heuvel

Stacy Vanden Heuvel – http://www.mtnwebs.net/ (blog) http://mtnwebs.com/ What are they? Premanufactured code that adds function and features. 51,000+ plugins available today. Dropped into a site. There is a plugin or everything. Why does anyone care? Makes website building easier. How do you choose? How many active installs? Does it have reputable developers? When was it last…
WordCamp GR 2017 – Development With Material Design – Matt Christensen

WordCamp GR 2017 – Development With Material Design – Matt Christensen

Matt Christensen – https://www.mattchristensen.net/ History Announced 2014 2015 Most Google apps use it Intended for Android Focused on Native Mobile, web was an afterthought What Is It? – https://material.io/ A metaphor – think paper Uniting Style – look the same everywhere Design as a physical medium Paper and Ink Seams & Edges Motion has meaning Web…
WordCamp GR 2017 – Underscores & Me – Frederick Polk

WordCamp GR 2017 – Underscores & Me – Frederick Polk

Frederick Polk – http://oneblackcrayon.com/ Generate your Underscores Theme: Use a custom build, with the Advanced Options, in order to tailor to your project needs. – https://underscores.me/ Underscores is Pre-built With: Sidebars Custom Logo Comments Featured Images Custom Headers Standard Core Theme Templates (404, comments, archives, header, footer) phpcs Sample Sites: amplifygr.com – Underscores, Visual Composer…
Using WordPress As My Note Taking Tool

Using WordPress As My Note Taking Tool

So this past Sunday, in a continued effort to find my replacement note taking tool for Evernote, I decided to give my blog a try as a not taking tool. I have the Android app on my phone and tablet so that step made things fairly easy. For the most part things went very well,…