Devotions For Sacred Parenting – Day 3: A Lasting Mark
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Devotions For Sacred Parenting – Day 3: A Lasting Mark

“When our kids see how we deal with failure, disappointment, frustration, and our own limitations, they are learning.” – Devotions for Sacred Parenting by Gary L. Thomas #TeachingByExample “The parent must present to the child the beauty of virtue, the nobility and happiness of self-denial, the pleasure that duty brings, and the fear and the…
A Window Into Our Family’s World
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A Window Into Our Family’s World

Despite her disability she is smart, creative, and even has a sense of humor that our family is blessed to enjoy. #Autism #ASD This mother’s post is almost spot on what our family experiences on a regular basis. My wife shared it recently. What It’s Like Parenting A Child With An Invisible Disability
Being Prepared For Parenting
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Being Prepared For Parenting

As much as I’d like to think that I was ready to parent the fact is that I owe a lot to my wife. If it wasn’t for my wife’s knowledge and experience my kids wouldn’t have had the experiences they have had so far. I’m still learning everyday day how to be a better…
Kid on Phone

Should I Give My Kid a Smartphone?

I pretty much agree with everything Craig has posted about. I’ve been on the Internet since High School, and I’m a web developer by trade, so I know all about the dangers. I’m not promoting being the over-protective parent that tries to shelter my kids and set them up for failure. It’s about let your…