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So What’s My Problem?

In short, life, more specific, work. So as it grinds on even later in the evening I just felt I needed to get back to this things called blogging. So obviously the daily anecdotes of my life haven’t made their way to this space in cyber-space much. When life get’s crazy you have to take…
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Trying to Keep Up…

OK, well I’m going to try to stay on top of at least something of a daily post. I think what is more realistic is a few weekly posts. I’d rather not even go into how my day went. It was one of those frustrating days when at every turn you wonder if it could…
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God’s Amazing Work

So I know that I haven’t been so good about keeping up my blog posts on a regular basis. It’s kind of amazing how even when life seems to settle down you don’t have time foe some of the simple things. I guess one issue I’ve been facing lately is not being able to get…
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Taking A Moment To Update…

Well, fine folks who have been patiently, or impatiently, been waiting for my next real post. I’m taking this time I have during lunch to give a little recap of what’s been going on in my life. I’ve been working to reduce the stress in my life and not take on anymore work. The only…