A Hard Journey For Water

A Hard Journey For Water

For many in Africa the journey to gather water is a treacherous one. They may not even end up gathering clean water. The goal of #HWI is to provide sustainable and accessable clean water. #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRGus Join us in bringing clean water to Africa: https://timn.me/2Kx7NEr It was a wet and rainy run this morning,…
Just A Short Test Run

Just A Short Test Run

It was just a short high intensity training run this morning. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRGus Invest in the future, and help bring life saving water to Africa: https://timn.me/2Kx7NEr
Having Choices And Choosing To Run

Having Choices And Choosing To Run

Every day most of us, in the U.S. especially, have a dozen choices we can make. I had the choice to either get up at 4:30 am and run or stay in bed and sleep. Not to minimize those that do have some tough decisions to make, but in the big picture most of us…
Tackling The Ice Mounds, An Endurance Test

Tackling The Ice Mounds, An Endurance Test

It was a tough go of it this morning tackling the ice mounds left behind by the snow plows. Winter running is not the time to be working on speed that is for sure. Many times I had to take to running on the snow covered grassy areas in order not to trip and fall….
5 Wintery Miles For Clean Water

5 Wintery Miles For Clean Water

Even though it is now considered the “off season” for the West Michigan #HWI team, the need for clean water hasn’t been completely met. Thanks to the work of the team this past year many thousands more will have access to clean water, but the harsh reality is that there are still thousands more that…
First Saturday Long Run After The 2019 GR Marathon

First Saturday Long Run After The 2019 GR Marathon

When a village is chosen to receive a well World Hope doesn’t just go install it and leave without investing time into the village. It becomes the responsibility of the village, through support from World Hope, to protect and care for, their well through the oversight of a leadership team from their village. When you…