Final Flight Leg and Arriving in Sierra Leone

Final Flight Leg and Arriving in Sierra Leone

We got on our flight to Paris. It was nice to have most of us fairly close together on the flight. We had a short time in Paris at the airport. Got some coffee recharged electronic device and took a chance to get to know each other better. Mike likes to be the jokester of…
And The Flight Begins

And The Flight Begins

We got on our first flight of the journey. It was a pretty comfortable flight. Had a great time talking with Terry. After arriving into Dulles airport we hung out on the tarmac to get our carry-on luggage. We got our boarding passes for the next 2 flights and headed to Chipotle for supper. Y,…
camping, family, vacation
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Weekend Family Camping Recap

Had a great weekend camping not far from home at Woodchip Campground in Byron Center. Weekend was filled with a bunch of fun activities with the kids including time in the pool and time with some of Vanessa’s family. We haven’t decided if Woodchip will become an annual location or not. Woodchip Campground, 7501 Burlingame…
Odd Holiday Week, Real Healthy Living Test
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Odd Holiday Week, Real Healthy Living Test

This was a strange Holiday season with the timing of how Christmas and New Years fell, day-of-the-week wise. We had to celebrate our own Christmas a couple of days early and then traveled over the Holidays. Neither Christmas or New Years has felt like it was actually happening. We’ll still be celebrating Christmas with my…