Ode To The Night…

Well, here it is almost 11 at night and I’m wide awake, well sort of. I really should have been getting ready for bed an hour ago. When you become a night owl it sure is hard to change. Well let’s recap some of the week a little. I’ve had some interesting conversations this week….

Time To Get Serious: God Can Handle It

Ephesians 1:1-6, today’s study talks mostly of how great and self-sufficient God is. It is pointed out that just by the very complexity and detail of nature, God shows his power and greatness. God didn’t have to create us, but it pleased Him to do so, this is also what gives us hope. God didn’t…

Colds Stink…

Well, this is going to be another short post. I didn’t get hardly any sleep last night. This cold I’ve caught has really made things hard. Also, with the stuff I’ve got going on, and trying to get up early has been really conflicting. I really need to get some rest. Leading music tonight was…

Time To Get Serious: The God Who Is Spirit

How fitting that today’s topic is worship, with having the first youth praise team practice yesterday. The scripture passage for this study is John 4:19-26, Jesus’ meeting with the Samaritan woman. They have a conversation of where the Jews & the Samaritans disagree on where to worship God. Jesus made it very clear that after…

Wow, Shortest Post Ever…

Ok, so what a day. I wish I had the time to write all that I wanted, but off to bed I go, already late. Quick recap, woke up with a terrible cold (blah), great day at work, wonderful time at praise team practice (this is going to be a great group of youth to…

Time To Get Serious: Telling The Truth

Isaiah 6:1-7, this morning I’m feeling very OK with my openness on my blog. I’m also once again thankful for Bruce’s comments to me yesterday. Today’s topic of truth talked about how as people we tend to sugar-coat the truth or complete lie with people. It is so easy for us to be shallow, and…