Making A Way For Education Through Clean Water

Making A Way For Education Through Clean Water

All it will take is 20 people to each give $12.75 from now until the #GRMarathon day to hit my goal and bring another 19 people clean water. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun What we do today has an impact on the future of the generations to come. Bringing clean water to a village in Africa…
Clean Water Promotes Education

Clean Water Promotes Education

Support education in Africa through clean water. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRMarathon #Education Clean water doesn’t only save lives in Africa, it also helps promote education and a brighter future for children. Instead of young boys and girls having to make the trip to retrieve water for the family they can spend their time in…
It’s All About The Children

It’s All About The Children

We began day 3 at the World Hope offices of course. As we’ve hung out at the offices, and been driven to villages, we’ve had the opportunity to get to know many of the nationals that work for World Hope. It’s been a blessing to have people that are willing to be patient with us…