A Little Less Hair And A Little More Speed

A Little Less Hair And A Little More Speed

This morning was a bonus #Endomondo training run day. According to the Endomondo marathon training plan I needed to do at least 5 days of running per week which meant adding Wednesdays as a running day instead of the #HWI training plan’s cross training day. I haven’t gone through to see how other things line…
Not Quite A 5K, But A PR Nonetheless

Not Quite A 5K, But A PR Nonetheless

After an 11 mile Tuesday run today seemed like it was barely worth getting out of bed for, but it is a necessary part of the training plan in order for it to be adjusted for how I’m actually doing. No worries about the lack of distance today as I believe I’m set to do…
Knocking Down The Intense Baseline Run

Knocking Down The Intense Baseline Run

It was a pretty quick intense run this morning, just something to give #Endomondo a baseline for training plan adjustments. Not really much time to enjoy to think about much or enjoy the warmer weather. It’s OK to have one of those every once in a while. I wasn’t sure how today would go given…
Pushing Through An Intense Speed Test Run

Pushing Through An Intense Speed Test Run

Back at it again this morning. It was an intense short training test run. I was hoping to see a #5K #PR but that may have to wait until Saturday when I do the #HotCiderHustle 5K. I had just ran the night before so my body hadn’t really had a ton of recovery time. I’ll…
Starting Off The Week With A Long Wet Training Run

Starting Off The Week With A Long Wet Training Run

Despite the rain and chill, caused by a little breeze, it was decent enough to get out for a longer run. The weather was still a big motivator to keep going, which unfortunately caused my pace to be faster than what the training plan called for, but oh well. #Endomondo I enjoyed a run full…