A Quick Wet Assessment Run

A Quick Wet Assessment Run

Double your impact, with our matching donor, and help bring clean water to even more in need. https://timn.me/2Kx7NEr #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRMarathon It was a little wet this morning, but it was just a short fitness assessment run. When you are going all out for 12 minutes you start break down the time into segments…
Clean Water Promotes Education

Clean Water Promotes Education

Support education in Africa through clean water. https://timn.me/2Kx7NEr #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRMarathon #Education Clean water doesn’t only save lives in Africa, it also helps promote education and a brighter future for children. Instead of young boys and girls having to make the trip to retrieve water for the family they can spend their time in…
Tackling 6 Miles On My Last Day In Virginia
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Tackling 6 Miles On My Last Day In Virginia

Give the gift of clean water and hope for the future to children and families in Africa: https://timn.me/2Kx7NEr #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRMarathon This was one of those tough morning runs, where you have thoughts of quiting early. I didn’t let those feelings stop me, or use the heat and humidity as an excuse. I slowed…
Knocking Out Some Short Miles Along The Potomac
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Knocking Out Some Short Miles Along The Potomac

Help bring more wells to Africa: https://timn.me/2Kx7NEr #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRMarathon #RiverRunning Had a good run in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia and along the Potomac River this morning. Sometimes it can be challenging navigating new territory as a runner. It amazes me how packed things are here in Old Town Alexandria compared to the neighborhood…
5 Mile Labor Of Love On Labor Day

5 Mile Labor Of Love On Labor Day

Help bring a brighter future through clean water: https://timn.me/2Kx7NEr #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRMarathon #CleanWater A well in Africa may not look like much, it’s not fancy, but it literally can mean the difference between life and death for children and families. I’m $875 away from hitting my $1000 fundraising goal. Right now we have matching…