Two Weeks Since Groundhog

Two Weeks Since Groundhog

It’s hard to believe that it was 2 weeks ago that I did the Groundhog Day Marathon. It’s been nice to get back into a running routine this past week. Do to so e family things going on I wasn’t able to make it to run with those from the #HWI team. Hopefully I’ll be…
Solid Pace For An Off Morning

Solid Pace For An Off Morning

It was hard to get going this morning. I was so out of it that initially I forgot my water after walking out the door. I also forgot to turn on my heart rate monitor, and even more I totally forgot to put on my running goggles. Despite all of that I did still ended…
A Brutal Winter Run

A Brutal Winter Run

Wow, that is all I can say about the weather this morning on my run. Between the freezing rain pelting me, the massive wind gusts, and the snow-covered sidewalks that reduced my traction to almost zero, let’s just say I felt like I ran 12 miles not just shy of 6. I laugh because today…
Back In The Saddle After Marathon Rest Week

Back In The Saddle After Marathon Rest Week

So I wasn’t sure where to start after taking a week off after the Groundhog Day Marathon but I did need to get into a 25K training plan to prepare for the River Bank Run coming up in May. Naturally I took to #Endomondo to outline a customized training plan, so 8.8 miles for today…