New Hill Training Route And Focus On Why I Run

New Hill Training Route And Focus On Why I Run

New training route this morning, something with a bit more hills. I was still a little soar from the half marathon on Saturday but there wasn’t any noticable increase in pain during my run which is encouraging. I spent time specifically focusing on why I run and thinking back on my time in Sierra Leone….
The Half Marathon Training Taper Begins

The Half Marathon Training Taper Begins

I’m now on the taper for the #HessLakeRun half marathon in a week and a half. This morning was supposed to be just an easy run but as is my m.o. I pushed it a bit beyond an easy run. It was surprisingly a fairly cool morning. Enjoyed listening to worship music and lifting up…
While Running Anything Can Happen

While Running Anything Can Happen

This week I was pretty off on my #training but I got my long run in today since I’ve got an all day conference tomorrow. It felt good to be back out running and I even felt good about my pace, for an easy long run. I’m not sure if it was God leading me…
Back At It After A Long Weekend Break

Back At It After A Long Weekend Break

It was a little bit of a struggle starting out this morning after having a long weekend of no running. Felt better by the end of my run. Through one of the worship songs this morning I was prompted to pray specifically for the father’s of Sierra Leone. There are many women and children that…
Pushing The Limits But Remembering Sierra Leone

Pushing The Limits But Remembering Sierra Leone

Tried to push myself to my limit on pace this morning. I’m still not going to win any races but I like seeing where all day physically. Even in spite of my focus being on the physical God was reminding me of why I run, by bringing back memories of those I met in Sierra…
First Training Run Since Sierra Leone

First Training Run Since Sierra Leone

Got my first run in since coming back from #SierraLeone after trying to recover from jet lag and a cold. Felt great to be back out there, definitely with a whole new perspective of why I’m running. Spent a lot of time thinking about those I encountered in Sierra Leone as well as those running…