Still Running, Starting A New Plan

Still Running, Starting A New Plan

I have still been running but just haven’t taken the time to post about them. I ran 13.1 miles last Saturday and around 7 Miles on Tuesday, I did take a break Monday in order to get some extra sleep after a late night. This morning I had another interval training run this morning that…
A 5 Mile Training Run In The Face Of A Challenging World

A 5 Mile Training Run In The Face Of A Challenging World

As I ran this morning I couldn’t help but think about the impact that #COVID19 is having on our world and not just with those infected, having died, or those secluding themselves bin protection. There is the global economic impact that I fear will also impact giving to those that have been in need. When…
A Wet Easy 11 Miles

A Wet Easy 11 Miles

I got 11 miles in this morning even though it was raining. With being stuck inside, and at home, pretty much all the time, I was glad to get out end enjoy the end of my run in some daylight. When I finished I enjoyed getting on a Zoom call with the #HWI team and…
An 8 Mile Tuesday For Clean Water

An 8 Mile Tuesday For Clean Water

In a time when many of us are stuck in our homes I’m glad to still be able to get out and run. I could definitely tell things were quieter than normal when I was finishing up my run. I am glad to know that, so far, no cases of COVID-19 have been reported in…
A Surprising Snowfall To Start Off A New Week Of Running

A Surprising Snowfall To Start Off A New Week Of Running

Enjoyed another 5+ mile training run this morning, even with the light snowfall. Since the ground is pretty warm the sidewalks were nice and clear. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun Give to clean water: Even though the #RiverBankRun has been postponed to the fall I’m still sticking with the training plan that I’m working through for…