Working Hard To Make It Easy

Working Hard To Make It Easy

This morning during my prayer and worship time I immediately thought of the #EnableTheChildren staff and kids and the impact that rainy season has on them. I also focused on the #WorldHope teams as they work on drilling new wells. Praying for safety and success as the teams work to put the wells in that the #HWI team raised money for. #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRMarathon

Donate to Clean Water:

A Little Early Morning Half Marathon

A Little Early Morning Half Marathon

Sticking to the #Endomondo training plan meant getting up before 4am to get 13 miles of running in before my wife needed to leave the house by 6:15. I can say that I was overjoyed having to get up so early, but the alternatives were even less appealing. One thing that something like a time…
A Wet Thursday For Speed Work

A Wet Thursday For Speed Work

Today was a speed work day, and so it goes with those my mind was pretty much totally focused on my run and hitting the target paces. I did still have the worship music going so I was at least still able to connect with God that way. Even though it was a wet run…
A Little Less Hair And A Little More Speed

A Little Less Hair And A Little More Speed

This morning was a bonus #Endomondo training run day. According to the Endomondo marathon training plan I needed to do at least 5 days of running per week which meant adding Wednesdays as a running day instead of the #HWI training plan’s cross training day. I haven’t gone through to see how other things line…
Short Easy Tuesday Training Run

Short Easy Tuesday Training Run

The #Endomondo training plan called for a short easy run this morning, which really meant for a much slower pace then I ended up averaging. Of course I started out on the right track but as my running time increased so do my speed. It still felt easy, and my heart rate reflected that. The…
Beginning The Next Marathon Training

Beginning The Next Marathon Training

This morning officially started my next marathon training. As a ran I couldn’t help but think about the #HWI team and all the new people that may have a lot to overcome this year as they prepare for their first half or full marathon. Also those that have already sustained an injury this year and…